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In order to prevent this from happening, in this chapter we will explain three points to be careful of when delivering web production. Three points to note regarding delivery of web production ↓ ・Consult thoroughly beforehand ・Don’t forget to check before delivery ・Confirm coding rules Now, I will explain each of them. Points to note ① Conduct sufficient interviews in advance. As mentioned above, interviews are a very important item in web production. If we do not conduct sufficient interviews, we may be asked to make major revisions after spending time designing and coating the product. After carefully listening to the client's goals and wishes, we create the website and deliver it. Points to note ② Don't forget to check before delivery As already mentioned in the sections of this article, before actually delivering the product, don't forget to ``sufficiently review'' and ``confirm operation in a test environment.''

If a mistake is discovered by the client Telegram Number Data after the delivery has been completed, there is a possibility that it will cause trouble, that you will not be able to receive continued projects, or that your reputation will suffer. The main items to check are as follows. Main items to check before delivery ↓ - Discrepancies in display on browsers/devices - Mistakes in text - Mistakes in coating - Forgetting to enter the alt attribute - Will you receive an inquiry email? There are other items to check in addition to those listed above, so please take the time to do a final check before delivery. Points to note ③ Check the coding rules Depending on the client, coating rules may be established to make management and maintenance easier to understand later.

First, it is necessary to check whether there are any coating rules, and if there are, apply coating accordingly. If you deliver the product first without knowing the above, there is a possibility that you will be asked to make quite large revisions, so be sure to check the coating rules carefully. From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . General flow of web production projects Some of you reading this article may be planning to actually take on a web production project from now on. Therefore, in this chapter, we will explain the macro-level "flow of a web production project" by dividing it into 4 steps.


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