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SEO ain efficiency and visibility








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This update improved the way Google understands and interprets queries. What should you do if your site has been impacted by an algorithm update? be patient Most major updates roll out over several days, so it's always a good idea to wait out your storm. Rushing into “quick fixes” can do more harm than good. Trust reliable sources Don't trust every "expert" on the forums with "100% verified" advice (there are many). Instead, wait for analyzes from your SEO agency, or publications from reliable sources like Abondance, Moz or SearchEngineLand. Make sure you really need to modify your site Sometimes the best thing to do after being hit by an algorithm update is to do nothing.

Many updates are slightly improved or rolled back after a few weeks, so make sure you don't change things that don't need to be fixed. Improve your strategy Finally, if you think your rankings are going down because of issues on your site, it's time to Bosnia and Herzegovina Mobile Number List fix them. Also remember to review your strategy, and focus on quality rather than quantity, you will save time and leads! GDA, web agency in Lyon Discover our CMS, optimized for  with our intelligent and modular solution The different SEO optimizations As a digital marketing expert, knowing how to get your brand, site, or business up on search engines is a fundamental skill, and understanding how.

SEO is evolving will keep you at the top of your game. However, although SEO changes frequently, its key principles do not. Since Google entered the scene in the late 1990s, we can divide SEO into three parts: Technical optimization On-site optimization Off-site optimization Technical optimization of a site Technical optimization brings together all the actions carried out on your site to improve SEO but which are not related to the content. For example, managing 404 errors, correctly setting up redirects or optimizing PageSpeed. On-page optimization On-page optimization is about ensuring that the content on your site is relevant and provides an excellent user experience. This includes targeting the right keywords in your content for example.


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