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Types of Email Marketing Graphics








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Adaptation to mobile use:

Currently, more than half of emails are sent via mobile b2c email lists devices, thanks to the widespread use of smartphones. Therefore, make sure the email marketing software you use is optimized for mobile devices. This way, you can be sure that your emails will look great on any device.

Customization options:

Adding a personal touch to email marketing has been proven to significantly increase click-through and open rates. Using the recipient's name in the subject and body of the message will make the message more relevant and interesting to the recipient. Look for an email marketing platform with easy personalization tools that make your subscribers feel special and increase the likelihood that they will engage with your messages.

Mailchimp segmentation based on automation activity

Automated functions:

With everything that comes with running a business, it's easy to understand that sending individual emails one at a time can quickly become a time-consuming task. Therefore, it is crucial that an email marketing platform includes automated tools. Emails can be sent automatically to new subscribers or scheduled to be sent at certain periods through automation. This improves productivity and keeps the message consistent for the target audience.

directiq email marketing CRM integrations

Accessible data analysis:

Your email marketing approach can always be fine-tuned and improved with the help of analytics. However, these figures will not be useful if their interpretation requires too much effort. Therefore, it is important to look for email marketing software that includes analysis tools understandable for business owners without knowledge of statistics. You can better understand your audience, learn what works, and improve your email marketing efforts with clear, actionable insights.


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