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By listening to what they








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Feel and need, you can improve productivity and satisfaction, avoid work-related illnesses, such as Burnout Syndrome, and offer benefits that contribute to quality of life and talent retention. You can start: Evaluating satisfaction with the company's food voucher, offering a flexible and higher quality resource; Analyzing which region they live in and how they travel to work, offering improvements in transport voucher management or seeking new strategies such as chartered corporate transport ; Understanding emotions and mental health, through internal research, to offer support such as tools for therapy, yoga and workplace gymnastics. Promote transparency in communications It is essential to promote transparency in communications.

This means being honest and clear with employees. HR professionals can promote transparency by: communicate clearly and concisely; be transparent about the company’s information and current situation; avoid misleading or disguised com India Email List munication. Create professional development programs The HR professional can create professional development programs for employees, such as courses, events and workshops. This can help staff develop skills and competencies, which can lead to greater job satisfaction and productivity. Read also: factors that affect an employee’s productivity Open communication The HR professional must encourage open communication between employees.

This means encouraging employees to share their ideas and opinions and also helping to increase the quality of life at work . You can do this by: create a work environment where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas; listen to career developments and direct employees to training resources that can help them with their professional development; seek ideas for leisure moments together, contributing to the creation of a more positive, productive and rewarding work environment for everyone. Now that you know what rapport is and how to apply it in the workplace, continue expanding your knowledge, discovering the best HR techniques to apply in your company!A company's HR sector is very important for business performance.


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