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Then, customize the checklist








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The elements that must be inspected by sections such as: internal part, external part, appearance, engine, electrical part, among others. Sections help group elements that are part of the same group, speeding up inspection. Take the opportunity to define what type of response the form should contain (Yes and no, compliant and non-compliant, OK and NOK). Don't forget to insert the company logo and leave textual fields for observations and photographic records to collect evidence. Digital vehicle checklist template to use in the Produttivo system with features for filling in photos, list of services, parts, materials and more! Monitor data and indicators obtained through checklists The next step is to make the vehicle checklist available to be completed. But it doesn't end there, you need to monitor data and indicators obtained through the information collected with these documents.

Examples include the time it takes technicians to carry out inspections, the volume of work the company has had over the months and the most common irregularities found in vehicles. All this information will serve as a basis for fleet management to think about new strategies, improvements and action plans that optimize the workflow. Read also: Fleet control: everything you need to know How to make a vehicle main Iceland Email List tenance spreadsheet? Fleet management will only be efficient if, in addition to a vehicle checklist, you have a structured maintenance plan especially for your fleet. The maintenance plan must describe all types of inspections that vehicles must undergo, along with their respective frequency and dates. These spreadsheets help ensure that maintenance is being carried out at the appropriate time so that the useful life of the vehicles is preserved.

To help you, we provide a free spreadsheet for download, which can be adapted according to your needs. maintenance plan kit to download for free To understand how it can be used, just access this video we prepared: Vehicle checklist application If paper or Word checklists no longer make much sense for your operation, the solution may be vehicle checklist applications. These systems digitize and automate processes, eliminating rework, making report production faster and improving the way indicators are monitored. All of this in an integrated way so that managers have a complete view of the fleet’s health. Produttivo is an example of a vehicle checklist application , in which managers schedule services and control operation data through a web panel and the technical team completes reports on their cell phone, without needing internet access and with several resources which make filling more agile.


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