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All the Constitutions That Chile Has Had








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Kast Will Play a Leading Role in the Rejection Campaign. An Inclusive Homeland the 1980 Constitution Has No Preamble. It Barely Has a Few References to the Decree Laws Issued by the Pinochet Regime . Although the Preambles Are Not Legally the Most Relevant Part of the Constitutional Text the Fact That the Governing Board Has Not Felt the Need to Introduce Any General Vision of Society Says a Lot. In Fact the Previous Constitutionsthose of 1823 1833 and 1925did Not Have It Either. Were Born From Civil Wars or Coups Dtat in Which the Winning Side Has Imposed Its Position and Therefore Has Not Seen a Greater That.

Need to Provide a Preamble Justifying the Text. The New Dominican Republic Phone Number Constitution Will Necessarily Have a Preamble Because It is a Document Drafted Before Chilean Society That Will Be Expressed in the Next Plebiscite. There Are Things That Certainly Could Have Been Done Better and There Are Articles That Most Likely Will Have to Be Reformed by the Established Power. However Largely Thanks to the Rule of Two Thirds and Beyond the Performative and Symbolic Gestures the Text Has Managed to Be a Meeting Place That Has Responded to Its Democratic Origin and Has Overcome Maximalist Positions Without Possibilities of Be Reflected in the Magna Carta. On the Other Hand It is Clear That a Victory of Approval Would Not Close.

Perhaps It Would Be Worth Looking at the South African Example We Therefore Through Freely Elected Representatives Adopt This Constitution as Supreme Law in Order to Heal the Divisions of the Past and Establish a Society Based in Democratic Values Social Justice and Fundamental Human Rights. Related the Constituent Process in Chile Between Utopia and a Changing Reality Claudia Heiss New Chilean Constitution Second Attempt Claudia Heiss Gabriel Boric or the Adventures of the Children of the Chilean Transition Christopher Bellolio Badiola Fuck Everyone Why Chile Said No Again Noam Titelman.


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