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The response of Ortega and Murillo has been to increase surveillance and repress their own followers, as happened with a well-known militant of the so-called "historical" who dared to criticize through social networks and has been imprisoned. It is known that other attempts at internal dissidence have been suffocated with pressure and threats.

The main problem for Ortega and Murillo is to make their continuity project viable in an unfavorable scenario. Internally, they do not have the support of the population, their support base is rapidly crumbling, they have also failed to re-establish factual alliances with the business sector, they face a critical economic situation, and an undercurrent of greater discontent and social dissatisfaction.

The alternative to control this scenario is the "institutionalization" of a police state, through the approval of a set of laws that restrict fundamental rights, the "desertification" of civil society with the fax list cancellation of more than 400 non-governmental organizations and the "normalization » Surveillance and control over the population.

At the international level, Ortega has decided to isolate himself and since 2018 he has been conducting a confrontational foreign policy with the countries and forums that have urged a democratic and peaceful solution to the crisis. This policy has been accentuated since 2021 with the bitter diplomatic exchanges that have taken place with Spain, Colombia, Taiwan - a country with which it abruptly broke relations to reestablish ties with China - and even.

Mexico and Argentina, which tried to open a negotiation alternative before of the November elections of that year. Hostilities have reached a critical point when the government expelled the Vatican representative and ordered the search and confiscation of the OAS headquarters in Managua shortly after.


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