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What can the Government 'grant' to UGT and CCOO to rebuild








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Relationship with the unions after the strike limit temporary hiring and dismissals in case of losses Once the echoes of the general strike of September 29 have passed, the Government and unions have begun to seek with some urgency how to mend relations. Zapatero wants to make gestures. Loopholes are being sought in the labor reform. The question is what they can be.  Sources from the Socialist Parliamentary Group, to which El Confidencial Digital has had access , thus summarize the possibilities that exist to pacify the relationship with the UGT and CCOO centers . -- It is about finding loopholes in the current labor reform , reducing the harshness of some of the aspects most contested by the unions. -- One of the points that could provide a way out of the current confrontation would be to further limit temporary hiring , which is very lax in Spain, and make a tougher regulatory development for objective dismissal.

The melon of collective bargaining can also be opened , the last barrier for unions, which do not want to lose the power they have in that field to negotiate salaries and working conditions at the sectoral and provincial level. -- The Government could make some concessions in this area, so that they maintain their power of representation Ivory Coast WhatsApp Number List  and negotiation. -- The unions have already calmly accepted, in the reform, that SMEs in difficulty are exempt from complying with collective agreements for up to three years, but this 'sacrifice' has meant nothing to them since union membership in SMEs is very scarce . -- The unions demand that some 'open gaps' be closed, according to them, due to the Government's reform of workers' rights. This is the case, for example, of the new causes of objective dismissal to terminate contracts and present ERE's when companies have continued losses or "forecast losses.

The centrals want it to be " well regulated ", since they fear that a trail of layoffs will open if the employer is left free of charge. The parliamentary sources consulted consider the negotiation to be very difficult and complicated , but – they add – “here we all have to save face.” He first defended that Spain would not need a plan B because there was "a plan A to comply with" and, days later, announce additional measures to reduce the public deficit. The new plan would proceed to the privatization of the management of the El Prat and Barajas airports , in addition to 30% of State Lotteries and Betting . -- He stated last August that the existing fiscal structure was "sufficient" to meet the deficit objectives, thereby ruling out that the Executive was planning tax increases , although without closing the door to small adjustments, which would be limited to personal income tax . Furthermore, he clarified that these adjustments would be made for reasons of equity , never with a desire to collect revenue.


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